The wooden sculpture of the Italian Middle Ages represents the most prestigious chapter of the Longari arte Milano gallery. For over seventy years, research and studies in this area have characterized its main activity to which is added the interest in statues, reliefs, friezes, even from later periods up to the contemporary. High quality is the element that unites the works in the collection.

Alessandro Magno di Domenico Paci – Longari arte Milano

Ascoli Piceno

Alexander the Great
Capitello Provenzale – Longari arte Milano


Two sides capital, with acanthus leaves and racemes with small loggia
Arcangelo Michele uccide il drago – Longari arte Milano


Saint Michael the Archangel slaying the dragon
Cristo Crocefisso – Longari arte Milano


Christ on the Cross
Madonna con Bambino di Francesco e Tommaso Cazzaniga – Longari arte Milano


Madonna and Child
Madonna Scultore prossimo a Giovanni fetti


Madonna and Child
Coppia di Angeli di Lorenzo Di Giovanni D Ambrogio – Longari arte Milano


Pair of half-figure angels
Maria Maddalena in trono di Scultore Sudtirolese – Longari arte Milano

Puster Valley

Saint Mary Magdalene Enthroned
Testa femminile di Niccolò Di Giovanni Fiorentino – Longari arte Milano

Adriatic area

Woman’s head (Sybil?)
Crocifisso – Longari arte Milano


Maddalena penitente


St. Mary Magdalen in prayer
Vesperbild di Giovan Battista da Milano – Longari arte Milano


Compassion (from a group of the Lamentation of the dead Christ)